Perdew Elementary School

Shannon Mason

Welcome to first grade! My name is Shannon Mason and I am beyond excited to be your child's teacher! This will be my 24th year with Etiwanda School District and my first year teaching first grade here at Perdew. I earned my bachelor's degree from Cal Poly Pomona and my teaching credential from Cal State San Bernardino. I have a passion for teaching and learning. I truly believe I learn just as much from my students as they do from me. I enjoy watching my students make connections and discover the world around them. I set very high expectations for my students and work extremely hard to create a classroom that feels safe, positive, and engaging in order to foster the best possible environment for student learning. I look forward to all this year has in store and can't wait to meet your child!

A little more about me...I have two daughters, Caiteyn is 21 and Carlie is 18. When I'm not at school, I love to travel, go to concerts, and boating on the lake.


PE is every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:25-9:15

Library is every Friday from 9:15-10:00

Every Friday is Perdew Spirit Day...wear your spirit shirt or our school colors!

Upcoming Events

  • Oct 28: First Day of Trimester 2

  • Oct 28: Minimum Day

  • Nov 4: Minimum Day

  • Nov 6: Restaurant Fundraiser - Chick-Fil-A

  • Nov 6: Make-Up Picture Day

  • Nov 7: First Grade Engagement Night

  • Nov 11: No School

  • Nov 13: See's Candy Fundraiser Starts

  • Nov 18: Minimum Day

  • Nov 22: Minimum Day

  • Nov 25-29: Thanksgiving Break

  • Dec 2: Minimum Day

  • Dec 4: See's Candy Fundraiser Ends

  • Dec 6: PTA Family Movie Night

  • Dec 9: Minimum Day

  • Dec 16: Minimum Day

  • Dec 19: Minimum Day

  • Dec 20-Jan 3: Christmas Break

  • Jan 6: Minimum Day

  • Jan 13: Minimum Day

  • Jan 20: No School

  • Jan 27: Minimum Day

  • Jan 31: No School

  • Feb 3: Minimum Day

  • Feb 10: Minimum Day

  • Feb 13: End of Trimester 2

  • Feb 14: No School

  • Feb 17: No School

  • Feb 18: First Day of Trimester 3

Homework Assignments

Homework is optional. Packets will be sent home every Monday and can be returned on Friday for a PBIS point. Homework will consist of English Language Arts and Math pages directly correlating with what we are working on in class, and nightly reading.

To access our Language Arts pages
 (login to student Chrome account first):
Online Student Programs

Step 1: Click on "ConnectEd"
Step 2: Wonders Grade 1 Launch
Step 3: Click on Resources
Step 4: Click on "Skills Practice" on the left-hand side menu
Step 5: Click on "Your turn"

To access our Math pages
(login to student Chrome account first): 
Online Student Programs

Step 1: Click on "Think Central"
Step 2: Click on "My Library"
Step 3: Select Practice Book (SE), G1
Step 4: Click on the chapter your child is working on

Other Resources

FAQ/Things to Know

When does school start and end?

  • We begin our day promptly in the classroom at 8:15 am. School ends Tuesday-Friday at 2:45 PM and Mondays at 1:15 PM.

Where is pickup?

  • First-grade dismissal is along the side parking lot.

  • Students also have the option of getting picked up at the back gate.

  • If you have multiple students you can have them all go to the same gate!

What classroom are you in?

  • F3

Do I need to pack a snack for my student each day?

  • Students do have time to enjoy a small healthy snack during recess time, but it is not mandatory that they have one. If you do send a snack with your student please make sure it is something they can open on their own. It may be helpful to label it with the word "snack" so students can tell the difference between that & their lunch.

What else does my child need to bring each day?

  • You may wish to send your student with a dry water bottle each day. Please make sure it is closed so that it doesn't spill into their bag! Students also must bring their black folders each day.

When is Library?

Our library time is on Fridays. Make sure to help your child have their book ready and in their backpack every Thursday evening.  They will not be allowed to check out a new book unless their book is returned.

When is PE?

  • Our PE time is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for outside activities ( NO Crocs).

What is technology like in the classroom?

  • Technology is essential in our ever-changing society and students will get very familiar with Chromebooks this school year. We will use our Chromebooks almost daily so please make sure your child has some over-the-ear headphones!

How can we communicate throughout the year?

  • I believe that children benefit most when their parents and teachers collaborate together. That is why I am always willing to meet with you before or after school, through email, or through the Etiwanda app- Rooms!

Additional Information if Needed


Phone: 909-803-3316